A paradigm shift is underway that is radically changing how investment risk is understood and analyzed. It is imperative that, within that shift, inequality and the social issues that contribute to it are seen and valued as systemic risks. Criterion is working on a globally recognized investment methodology that does just that. A methodology for valuing the future of equality will define and analyze social issues as they relate to investments. This methodology will make it possible for investors to place bets on a more just and more equitable future, while making it risky to not solve the challenges of today that would keep us from achieving that future. Too often efforts toward social change can be limited the assumption that the inequities and injustices facing us today are intractable. This mindset perpetuates a feeling of impossibility in our work and cedes too much power to those defending the status quo. At Criterion, we emphasize that – as deeply entrenched as they may seem – structures of finance were created by people and can and will be changed by people. We need to envision a future that truly does work for all and design investment strategies from that vantage that will help us arrive there. Criterion’s Value the Future of Equality Advisory Board is a comprised of a bold and visionary set of change makers actively working to support this vision.